Emotion Leadership

Harness the Power of Your Emotions

Emotion Leadership

Harness the Power of Your Emotions

professionals, young, leaders, workers, employees, leadership, training,

Building Confident Leaders and Successful Teams

Leadership for the Human Spirit™ is a comprehensive suite of programs for professional leaders and their teams. Professionals will learn proven strategies to increase confidence, communication and productivity.

From the boardroom to the break room, effective leaders understand and communicate with coworkers to find a shared passion for success. Emotion Leadership training is available for organizations of all sizes. 

ELE Corporate Brochure

Emotion Highway™

Identify and explore the major influences that impact every interaction. Discover how those influences impact you and your decisions.  Uncover habits that corrupt your leadership and learn how to redirect your actions for successful outcomes.

The Life Map 
for Work-Life Harmony™

Learn about the 7 areas for leadership development.
You’ll discover tools that broaden your perspective, determine where  you need to focus today and develop a plan to engage your power and passion for success.

Contact us today to learn more.

KeysStreet Signs


The Four Styles of Communication

Discover your unique style. Do you understand how others communicate and respond through their own style? Explore the distinct characteristics of each communication style — in its best moments and its worst — and the impact that has on your relationships.

Enlightened Leadership

Explore the four distinct levels of Emotion Leadership and the impact each has on the other. Uncover your leadership abilities, and the possibilities, as you learn the formula for amplifying your leadership.

Contact us today to learn more.

"I wish I'd had Christina's coaching when I started my career,
or better yet, when I was growing up."    Dan B., Venture Capitalist

Specialist Talking to Client

Leadership Coaching

One-on-one coaching designed to help you strategically achieve success.  Whether you want to climb the corporate ladder, run your own company or re-ignite your passion,  
a leadership coach will help you set
and achieve career success.

Contact us to learn more.

Annual Conferences

The Leadership for the Human Spirit™ is a
full-day exploration of the Seven Areas of Leadership & Development. 

The conference is designed to help you find your focus, ignite your passion and inspire confidence. 

*The follow up workshop is an easy to understand and implement program, which gives people of all ages, the skills and tools to set and achieve life goals.

Contact us to learn more.

Annual Conference

"I want you to know that this workshop seriously made a HUGE difference in my work and how I feel... It has made a difference in how I relate to situations and how I deal with some of the stresses I am facing now... BEST money I have ever spent in my life!" - Steffanie R., Dell