Emotion Leadership

Harness the Power of Your Emotions

Emotion Leadership

Harness the Power of Your Emotions


Zoo In You color book has arrived!

Book Cover from Amazon


The Zoo in You Colorbook!

Introduction to Emotion Leadership Color book
for children and families.

Amazon Buy Now

More info

Dots 1  Dots 2 Dots 3

Col ori n g C o r n e r

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in the midst of change...

Connect more deeply with yourself
and others.

Join us in the practice of Self Care.  

A Series of Workshops and Retreats
Physical | Mental Health | Emotions | Relationships

Visit Our Personal Page

Get Centered for the Fall

As fall arrives, it brings with it cooler temperatures, busier schedules and the rush to get organized.
Whether the season triggers anxiety or avoidance, don’t let the frenzy of fall knock you off center.
Join us as we share tips and tools to keep you calm, cool and collected.



•  Authentic Confidence Series  - Redmond, WA

• The 4 Styles workshop - Bellevue, WA

•  Love and Leadership Series II - Online

A fall reminder:

The "Zoo In You" eBook is Now Available!

Buy Now

"Sometimes I'm happy in every way. Sometimes it's just a small part of my day." - Zoo In You

Expand Your Self Care 

As fall arrives, it brings with it cooler temperatures, busier schedules and the rush to get organized. Whether the season triggers anxiety or avoidance, don’t let the frenzy of fall knock you off center. Join us as we share tips and tools to keep you calm, cool and collected.


• Self Care with Emotion Leadership
   October 25, 2024 - Austin, TX

• Yoga with Emotion Leadership - TBD

• H.A.P.P.I. Hour - TBD

Tree in Fall

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute, with love, grace, and gratitude."- Denis Waitley

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